The following men and their families are members of the Rodgers Baptist Church who are sent out by this church to do the work to which God has called them. Click on their name to see their most recent prayer letter.
Worldwide Benevolence Ministry
Missionaries to Alaska
Missionaries to Mexico
Omar & Gabriela Rivas
Missionaries to Mexico
Missionaries to the Kingdom of Thailand
Our Supported Missionaries and Mission Endeavors
Additional missionaries and mission works are not listed due to safety concerns for the missionary and the work. Please pray for those who are sharing the gospel in countries that do not have religious freedoms and face persecution for their faith.
Karl Andersson Sweden
William Aya Colombia
David Bandaru India
Riley Barrett England
Chris Bell Brazil
Dwight Bishop Mindanao, Philippines
Becky Bowling Philippines
Jen Bowling Philippines
David Brauer Canada
Pat Briney Campus Ministry, U. of Arkansas
Robert Creech Panama
James Downs Ethiopians in Washington D.C.
Tim Dulany Panama
John Edwards Australia
Jean Paul Escalera Struggling Churches
Benito Estrada Mexico
Andres Falconett Panama
Cheston Furrow Russia
Coleman Gabbard New Zealand
Kent Gossmeyer England
Glendon Gray Bible Distribution
Larry Harrison Canada & Alaska
Abdou Issa Lebanon
Simon Jacob Pakistan
Michael Lea Ecuador
David Lott Guatemala
Jonathan Lott Peru
Bruce Martin Honduras
David Martin Argentina
Aaron Mendoza Brazil
Larry Morgan Ghana
Tyler Nikkel Czech Republic
Fumio Nomura Japan
Samuel Nyaunu Ghana
Kevin Pearcey New York City
Daniel Pearson Cincinnati, OH
James Pittman Chile
Scott Poling Berlin, Germany
Rufus Saripalli India
Greg Smith Cancun, Mexico
Josh Stertz Couriers for Christ Bible Distribution
Jarrod Tunnell Argentina
Louis Turk, Jr. Indonesia
Sam Varughese India
Shawn Vinson Florida
Corey Wilcher Toronto, Canada
Randy Winesburgh Dominican Repubic
Cristóbal Yañez Panama
Friendship House Garland, TX
You can partner with us to pray for the missionaries and ministries that God is using for the sake of the gospel around the world! Members of Rodgers Baptist can sign up below to commit to pray for our missionaries and ministries, and receive updates by email for the missionaries and ministries sponsored out of Rodgers Baptist Church and those with which we support on a monthly basis.
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The information on this site is the property of Rodgers Baptist Church. No broadcasting or duplication of any sermons or content allowed without permission from Rodgers Baptist Church..
801 W. Buckingham Road
Garland, TX 75040